Yvette's Blog

Welcome to my Blog!

Welcome to my Blog!

Yvette McDonald, Founder & CEO

This is where I post my thoughts every other Sunday.  It has been quite a journey so far with JustBe and I want to share with you my journey.

Feel free to comment!  Yvette

Welcome New Year 2023

WELCOME!! How has your new year started off? In the last Post, I expressed how time was speeding up and we're now at the end of February - where did the last 60 days go? The world looks and feels very different right now as lots of things are changing around us after...

The Dangers of Being Busy All The Time

There are two main reasons why being busy is so bad for your health. Not sure about you but the last 5 weeks have been busier for me, than the first part of this year. These past weeks three close people have passed away, three wakes, two funerals (one pending),...

The Seasons of Life

What a summer we have been having with such beautiful sunshine.  Such glorious weather! For some it is too hot, for others it is just right.  For me I love the sun and wish it could stay! However, I know that this is not realistic as my garden is crying out for rain...

Welcome New Year 2023

WELCOME!! How has your new year started off? In the last Post, I expressed how time was speeding up and we're now at the end of February - where did the last 60 days go? The world looks and feels very different right now as lots of things are changing around us after...

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Paulette Wilson Campaigner of The Year Finalists

Paulette Wilson Campaigner of The Year Finalists

I just want to say a BIG THANK YOU to the ladies who took time out to nominate me for this award. But I’m sure, like me, some of you have never heard about the Baton Awards (BA). The BA “acknowledges the U.K’s females from diverse racial group achievers whilst...

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Thank You!

Thank You!

THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU. There are no words but to say THANK YOU.The launch of the Moments4Seniors event last Saturday was a huge success. For me, it was beyond belief, beyond what I could have dreamed or even imagined. The responses via text, WhatsApp, email...

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JustBe Pop-Up Sale

JustBe Pop-Up Sale

The JustBe Pop-Up Sale is only a few weeks away - put a date in your diary for this fabulous event where you can enjoy browsing products from local traders and support small businesses.  There will be a fantastic range of things to see and buy - from skin care,...

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I Stand in Awe of You…

Morning! We sang this ‘old’ song in church yesterday and it kept playing in my mind throughout the day. This morning God woke me up with the same song but I didn’t play it because I had ‘stuff’ to do before I started ‘work’. But God wasn’t having it. I turned the...

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The Seasons of Life

The Seasons of Life

What a summer we have been having with such beautiful sunshine.  Such glorious weather! For some it is too hot, for others it is just right.  For me I love the sun and wish it could stay! However, I know that this is not realistic as my garden is crying out for rain...

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2021 And Beyond

2021 And Beyond

2021 And Beyond  by Dawn Martin As we departed 2020 it seemed like everyone was looking forward to the New Year, new beginnings and perhaps the end to the pandemic.  2020 had brought with it a lot of challenges and some heartbreak and it was a year that everyone...

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