Morning! We sang this ‘old’ song in church yesterday and it kept playing in my mind throughout the day. This morning God woke me up with the same song but I didn’t play it because I had ‘stuff’ to do before I started ‘work’. But God wasn’t having it. I turned the computer on and again that gentle nudge to ‘worship’ Him before I started to ‘work’. So I found it on the internet and saw my friend Sherene singing it. NOW I’M IN PIECES, the tears can’t stop flowing – the song reads ‘I stand in awe of you my heart poured out to you  ….. I’m giving you all of my doubts, all of my fears, I lay them all down Lord at your feet…..” because even though I’m walking on water God knows that deep down in my soul, there are still doubts & fears – that’s the human side.  But the Holy Spirit – He searched my heart (my soil) and he’s disturbed it again, He’s troubled the water, He’s pruning me. Thank you God for your reassurance that YOU are with me and I’m still amazed that YOU took more time out of YOUR busy schedule to remind me. Now I can start to work ……