THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU. There are no words but to say THANK YOU.
The launch of the Moments4Seniors event last Saturday was a huge success. For me, it was beyond belief, beyond what I could have dreamed or even imagined. The responses via text, WhatsApp, email and social media has been overwhelming. If you were fortunate to attend the event I know you were truly blessed just by reading the comments on your feedback form. Apologies to those on the waiting list, we had to keep to the number of people stipulated in our contract. But the good news is that we are hoping to put on another show next year, so watch this space!
Through generous donations, alongside the cake and raffle ticket sales, the funds raised were over £1000. This money will go towards new workshops for our elderly.
There is still time to donate to this worthy cause:
Remember there’s a £5 discount if you book both the Health & Fitness and Soul Line Dancing workshops:
The membership offer has been extended until the end of this week:
Help promote JustBe by writing a review:
LoveRebekah did an amazing job with the models’ make up on Saturday so much so that she’s thinking of organising a makeup Master Class.  If you would be interested in attending one of her workshops, then register your details here:
Have fun watching these short videos that capture just a snip bit of the event:
Please support I AM ECHO’s Summer time event (tickets only £5)


 Yvette McDonald